
Thyroid Ultrasound DUBLIN €170.00

For a comprehensive check-up Combine your Ultrasound scan with a Thyroid blood test for €225.00

Thyroid ultrasound is a non-invasive ultrasound technique used to visualize and access the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped small organ located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It plays a key role in regulating metabolism by producing thyroid hormones that regulates functions of different body organs.

Who needs Thyroid Scan?

A thyroid ultrasound is usually performed for following reasons:

  • Evaluation of thyroid gland size, shape and architecture.
  • Evaluation of thyroid nodules, cysts and goiter
  • Blood flow assessment within the thyroid gland
  • Monitoring the progression of thyroid diseases


While you may not always need a referral from your GP to attend, for certain cases referral letter is needed to ensure that the appropriate examination is conducted based on your specific medical needs.

Timing of Scan?

A thyroid ultrasound is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure, typically taking about 15 to 30 minutes to complete


Before the ultrasound, you may be asked to change into a gown, and any jewelry or accessories around your neck may need to be removed to ensure clear access to the thyroid area.

After a thorough examination of the ultrasound images by our Consultant Radiologist, expect the report to reach your GP within 2 working days from the date of your scan.