
Wellbeing Scan DUBLIN €140.00

Please add €60.00 for twins

Well being Scan

A well being scan or fetal well being assessment ultrasound is conducted after 20 weeks to  evaluate the health and status of developing fetus. The primary purpose of this scan is to ensure that fetus is growing normally and without any problem.

Here are the things to expect from the well being scan:

Fetal Movements: Ultrasound technician will evaluate the fetal movements by ultrasound scan. Reduced fetal movements can be a sign of underlying fetal growth disease.

Amniotic Fluid levels: Adequate amniotic fluid is very vital for the fetus. The ultrasound scan will measure and assess the amniotic fluid levels.

Fetal Heart Rate : The fetal heart rate will be evaluated by this scan.

Fetal Weight: The scan also measures the weight of the fetus.

Placenta and its Position: The scan will also determine the position of placenta to ensure its not low lying and covering the cervical os.

Umbilical artery and Middle cerebral artery Doppler: Blood flow in the umbilical cord is determined to ensure that baby is receiving enough blood and nutrients from the mother. The middle cerebral artery (MCA) Doppler is important in assessing fetal anemia or hypoxia.

Dublin Wellbeing Pregnancy Scans

Preparation: No specific preparation is required before this scan.

Timing: The scan usually takes 25-30 minutes.

What you will get from us:

  • 2 glossy black & white printouts
  • Ultrasound report, 2 digital pictures and one video clip will be send to you via MyClinic365 App.